The Three-Body Problem

, #1

Hardcover, 400 pages

English language

Published Sept. 12, 2014 by Tor Books.

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4 stars (10 reviews)

Within the context of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, a military project sends messages to alien worlds. A nearby alien society receives these messages and makes plans to invade Earth.

20 editions

Una explosió

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És un llibre enrevessat amb un punt psicodèlic interessantíssim i utilitzant la cultura xinesa com a base que això, des del nostre occident mediterrani, el fa suggerent. T'obliga a repensar els límits del nostre propi pensament i, fins i tot, algunes creences. Un d'aquells llibres de ciència-ficció que són complets, que ho aborden tot. A vegades em recorda a la Fundació, a la Fi de la Infància o fins i tot a Encontres amb Rama.

Pas mal mais je ne comprends pas trop l'engouement

4 stars

J'ai passé un bon moment à lire le problème des trois corps. C'est bien écrit, avec une structure narrative intéressante qui fait qu'on rentre facilement dans l'histoire. J'ai beaucoup apprécié de lire un livre chinois, dans un contexte et une histoire qui change du tout-étatunien de la science fiction, que je connais mal et que j'ai trouvé vraiment intéressant. Le côté science-fiction "dure" est aussi plaisant, on comprends dès le départ qu'il est féru de physique et qu'on va se plonger dans des questions théoriques, et ça fait du bien. Maintenant venons aux aspects négatifs : déjà il faut bien le dire, si j'ai trouvé que c'était un bon livre, je ne comprends pas sa réputation internationale, il y a plusieurs points (comme la société des tri***) que je trouve assez bancals et pas très crédibles. Si le sujet est amené de manière originale et prenante, on en arrive au …

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #1)

The Three-Body Problem

4 stars

Imaginative and thoughtful "hard" science fiction. Fingers crossed that Netflix will do a good job with the series. The setting in China was interesting. Some parts were excellent, while others were a little tiresome (e.g., some of the military/police conversations), but I enjoyed it quite a bit overall. The chapter with Newton, Von Neumann and the human-formation computer was a fascinating and humorous highlight for me.

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #1)

Not just bizarrely nihilistic and cynical, but also pro-authoritarian propaganda

1 star

Content warning This book is intensely political.

Review of 'Three-Body Problem' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars


The three-body problem in physics states that although it is trivial to model the path of two bodies (e.g. binary stars) revolving around each other, it is currently impossible to create a model that can accurately predict the future positions of three bodies around each other, as minute instabilities add up over time to create a chaotic system. This book postulates that the nearest star to the earth, Alpha Centauri, as a ternary star system, is such a chaotic system; despite its unpredictability, a race of sentient species have evolved to sentience on an immensely inhospitable planet. When they learn of the existence of Earth, and realize it is in a stable solar system with a relatively mild climate, what would such a civilization do?

The book reminds me of Carl Sagan's "Contact" (well, the movie; I haven't read the book) but goes beyond the touchy-feely aspects of …